Kommt der Winter, kommen die gemütlichen kulturellen Abende. Wir fangen an mit Italien. Ein Film, Snacks, ein guter Wein und gute Gesellschaft. Molto bene! Mo, 18.11.2013, 19 Uhr VMP 5 (Wiwi Bunker), unser Büro im Erdgeschoss (zwischen Aufgang B und AISIEC) FB Event Read more →
New semester, new energy
Moin Moin dear AEGEE members and friends, the new semester started already and today new classes are going to fill our brains with (hopefully) interesting knowledge. We wish a pleasent start into winter semester 2013/14. Don´t forget our AEGEE meetings on monday at 7 pm. See you there! Read more →
We need YOU
Dear AEGEEANS! Here is something interesting for you and we need your help! As some of you might be aware we are organizing a summer university in partnership with AEGEE Kiel this year! The motto is “Nordic Adventure – We say no to couch potatoes”. It is taking place from 12th-July-2013 to 23rd-July-2013, out of these days we will be… Read more →
SU Breakfast Club
Finally spring in Hamburg, which means that summer is not too far away. Therefore Stella, Stephie and Saskia met today to talk about fundraising, selection of our SU particiants and a precise SU programme. It´s getting real, people! Furthermore we are happy that our guest Darine Aboulezz made it to Hamburg. She is active in the VISA FREEDOM WORKING GROUP.… Read more →
Summer University 2013
Less than 36 hours to apply for an AEGEE Summer University. Did you choose one already? We really hope so! 😉 http://www.projects.aegee.org/suct/su2013/ And if you are curious how to plan a Summer University, then come to our weekly meetings on mondays at 7 pm. 42 Applicants needs to be reduced to 20 and for those we want to plan unforgettable… Read more →
Endlich ist es wieder soweit, die AEGEE Summer Universities warten auf dich! Von Juni bis September gibt es wieder eine Menge Auswahl von den kanarischen Inseln bis nach Russland. Wie man sich bewirbt, bis wann die Deadline ist und sonstige Informationen zu AEGEE werden in einem Summer University Info Abend euch vorstellen! Anschließend gibt es noch Snacks und was zu… Read more →
Treffen mit Gästen
Heute Abend treffen wir uns wieder 19:30 Uhr im WiWi-Bunker. Mit dabei sind Gäste aus Valencia und Modena, die eine Deutschlandreise vor der Rhein-Neckar-Agora machen. Kommt vorbei und lasst euch überraschen! 🙂 Read more →
No Meeting (11.03.)
As the snow came more or less unexpected. Our antenna stays another week in winter sleep. See you on March 18th for sure with new energy for planning of the spring semester! Read more →
Ferien Wintersemester
Dear AEGEEans, the exams have been hard, so now it´s time to sleep, party, eat and travel. Therefore we won´t meet until March 11th! If you have some burning questions before, write us an e-mail (board@aegee-hamburg.de) or via our FB group . We wish you a relaxing semester break! PS: If you are interested in a Spring Network Meeting,… Read more →
An AEGEE Christmas
Dear AEGEEans, friends and fans, we would like you to join our christmas gathering before we all leave for home and won´t return until the next year. We booked tables at Frau Möller in St. Georg, where you can order affordable drinks and food. We hope to see our Berlin participants, friends and Alumni there. http://www.fraumoeller.de/ Read more →